item imageFrost
item imageHunter

Stats Olaf

Armor: 60.00
Attack Speed: 0.85
Crit Chance: 0.25
Crit Multiplier: 1.40
Damage: 75.00
HP: 1150.00
Initial Mana: 0.00
Magic Resist: 60.00
Mana: 50.00
Range: 1.00

Olaf TFT Set 12: Best items, tips, and team comps

Skill Của Olaf

champion's skill


Mana: 0/50

Passive: Every 4 attacks and when changing targets, leap at the target and deal 120/180/591 (scaleAD) physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies.
Active: For the next 5 seconds, gain 90/100/300 Attack Speed, 15% (scaleAP) Omnivamp, and crowd control immunity.

Origin/Class Của Olaf

Frost image

Olaf Frost

Frost champions gain scaleAP Ability Power and scaleAD Attack Damage. The first few enemies to die become allied ice soldiers which lure enemy attacks if they are within range and retargeting.
Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.

16 scaleAPscaleAD, 1 soldier
35 scaleAPscaleAD, 2 soldiers
50 scaleAPscaleAD, 3 soldiers, soldiers explode on death
80 scaleAPscaleAD, 4 soldiers, explosion power doubles
Hunter image

Olaf Hunter

Hunters gain scaleAD Attack Damage, increased the first time they get a takedown each combat.

15% scaleAD, 35% after takedown
40% scaleAD, 70% after takedown
70% scaleAD, 110% after takedown. Also gain 20% scaleAS.

Best team comps with Olaf

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