item imageArcana
item imageAscendant
item imageBastion
item imageBat Queen
item imageBlaster
item imageChrono
item imageDragon
item imageDruid
item imageEldritch
item imageBest Friends
item imageFaerie
item imageFrost
item imageHoneymancy
item imageHunter
item imageIncantor
item imageMage
item imageMultistriker
item imagePortal
item imagePreserver
item imagePyro
item imageRavenous
item imageRelic
item imageScholar
item imageShapeshifter
item imageSugarcraft
item imageVanguard
item imageWarrior
item imageWitchcraft
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Stats Ryze

armor: 30
attackSpeed: 0.85
critChance: 0.25
critMultiplier: 1.40
damage: 50
hp: 1111
initialMana: 30
magicResist: 30
mana: 100
range: 4


champion's skill

Realm Warp: Piltover

Mana: 30/100

Create a portal to Piltover that launches an enforcer grenade towards the largest clump of enemies, dealing @ModifiedDamage@ (scaleAP) magic damage to enemies within two hexes and creating a containment area for @AreaDuration@ seconds. Enemies are unable to leave the area, and @PercentSharedDamage*100@% of the damage dealt to them is also dealt to all other enemies within.


Augments And Tips


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Team Comps