item imageNoxus
item imageBruiser

Stats Sion

Armor: 65.00
Attack Speed: 0.60
Crit Chance: 0.25
Crit Multiplier: 1.40
Damage: 70.00
HP: 900.00
Initial Mana: 70.00
Magic Resist: 65.00
Mana: 160.00
Range: 1.00

Sion TFT Set 9.5: Best items, tips, and team comps

Skill Của Sion

champion's skill

Glory in Death

Mana: 70/160

Passive: Upon death, reanimate with 100% Health, decaying at 20/13/0% maximum Health per second. Sion can no longer use his Ability, but is immune to crowd control and gains
150/150/1000 (scaleAP) Attack Speed.
Active: Charge towards the most enemies within 4 (scaleRange) hexes. Deal 158/247/788 (scaleAD) physical damage to any enemies along the way and knock them up, Stunning them for 1/1/15 seconds.

Origin/Class Của Sion

Noxus image

Sion Noxus

Noxus champions gain Health, Ability Power and Attack Damage. This is increased by 5% for each different opponent that either you have conquered in combat or is dead.

160 scaleHealth, 16 scaleAP, 16% scaleAD
300 scaleHealth, 30 scaleAP, 30% scaleAD
450 scaleHealth, 45 scaleAP, 45% scaleAD
750 scaleHealth, 75 scaleAP, 75% scaleAD
Bruiser image

Sion Bruiser

Your units gain 100 Health. Bruisers gain additional maximum Health.

+10% max scaleHealth
+45% max scaleHealth
+80% max scaleHealth

Best team comps with Sion