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Garen Pumping Up

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


After being buffed, Garen officially returned to the s-level meta with his Demacia teammates. So let's find out how this new Garen gameplay works


  • 7 Demacia is currently quite healthy, can be upgraded to 9 if full form 2 stars
  • Extremely resistant to massive magic resist armor from 7 Demacia
  • Is the perfect combination of Ap and Ad
  • Combo Core Relay II + Accelerate! II is the perfect puzzle piece for Garen


  • Easy to fight and hug
  • yi's silver core is the big weakness of this song
  • The rate on top is good but to be top 1 requires Garen 3 Sona 3 or must own 9 Demacia
  • Easily countered by the brave Kalista or Aphelios


Use Master Yi's cores 1 and 3 to operate this formation

How to Play

  • Early game and mid game : If it's silver cores, aim for other cores that give good eco or loot cores instead of getting powerups. Use any formation to def if there is little health, roll 6 at 3.2, and if you have a win streak or a lot of health, you can roll 7 at 3.5 or later depending on the lobby. The priority to pick up items for Garen will usually be Colossal Power + Blood Sword, then tank and mana items for Sona, Lux?Late game: If you don't fight, you can completely roll Garen to 3, Sona 3; if there are many houses to play with, save money to 8 to 9 because full form 2 stars is very strong, form 7 Demacia clamps 5 money 2 stars can completely top 1 and form 9 demcia is almost absolute power


Pumping Up II + Boost! II is mandatory. It is also possible to get a Demacia seal or a select book to be able to set milestone 7 early and aim for 9 Demacia?