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Use Builder

Spirit mage - Lulu

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


In this lineup, our main character will be the 3-money general LuLu. This is almost an annoying and very versatile general in today's lineups. With the skill set, shoot a magic beam towards the current target, the magic beam deals 240/360/575 magic damage to the first enemy passed through and 150/225/360 magic damage to the second champion hit. blow. Not only that, on every third cast, Lulu Stuns the 3 nearest enemies for 1.25 seconds and deals 120/180/280 magic damage to them. With a long control time as well as the amount of damage that Lulu causes, Lulu is always a quality card for every current team. Lulu has the magician system along with Hyper pop, so it will help the back row carry out moves faster because when using skills, Hyperpop general grants energy and attack speed for 4 seconds to the 2 closest allies. . And we can absolutely use lulu to become a carry general because superstar lulu gives it 25 magic power along with having 2 early hyper pops or 7 early wizards. So let's find out how to deploy this squad.


_A lot of control comes from Lulu when she gives her a large amount of mana items

_In addition to the damage from Lulu, there is also additional damage from Ahri so you don't have to worry about lacking late damage

_Tank is also a pretty strong group with 2 pretty good tank cards, Ekko and Illaoi, besides another secondary tank group to buy time for the carry to use Neeko Gragas...


_If the roll is black, it will be difficult to reach the top

_Easily countered by the ability to quickly shock damage from True Damage or the ability to deal damage to the following set from the Karthus Akali couple

_It takes a lot of tears so there aren't always good clothes for Lulu

How to play

_Early game: With carry ap cards like that in the early game form, we will use 1 or 2 strong champions at the beginning of the game to keep items like Annie Nami or Seraphine. With a form of Shojin Spear and Green Fang Nashor Talisman, any of the generals mentioned above are very good to hold. Annie has been edited a bit since the item from Hard Fan is no longer the Shojin Spear, but Annie's basic power has not been edited at all and the Gemstone Gloves from Hard Fan are also extremely good in the early game so This is still a reputable card to defend in the early stages of the game. Nami is also quite good to def, but needs more factors such as accompanying cards like Gragas and Taric to trigger Disco early to be able to def. Seraphine is also quite good, but it is not always available early. In case we have a lot of Seraphine, we can consider using this champion to carry. At this stage, we should collect as many tears as possible to optimize the strength of the two future generals, Lulu and Ahri. While Lulu attacks the opponent, Ahri will do the rest and finish off the opponent. And putting so much mana into Lulu will help her attack about 2 times to perform the attack once, helping to optimize the amount of control. The best early game defense form will include Annie Lillia Neeko Seraphine Kennen

The tank items we will now give to Neeko can later be exchanged for Ekko later or if we have Ekko early, we can put the tank items straight into the guy at level 5 and then clamp Seraphine at level 6 later. Still a pretty good tank combo right now Steadfast Heart + Warmog Blood Armor and comes with an item that reduces magic resistance Lightning Crossbow. If you have a Statikk Electric Knife for the back row, you can install Thorn Cloak, Dragon Claw, Stone Armor Statue, or it can also be a pretty good AP tank item, Crown of Protection, which just gives a large amount of armor at the beginning of delivery. medium war gives 35 more damage at the end of combat. So in order of item priority, we will prioritize tears and then go for armor sticks.... Not only superstar damage carries, we can use a few superstar tankers in case we have a lot of tank items early like Lillia Kennen Or if it's redder, it can be a superstar Gragas, which is also quite delicious thanks to its healing ability and strength.?_Mid-game: Basically we will keep the chain and start the slow roll at level 7, so depending on the chain we have, we can level up appropriately. But we will always upgrade to 6 at 3.2 so that we can gradually complete the formation soon and at this level 6 there is a chance of giving us a 3-money superstar, so if red we can have superstar Lulu very early. Superstar Lulu Hyperpop is not bad but leans more towards sp, so if you want to use Lulu carry, you should use Lulu Magician. This superstar helps us activate the 5 or 7 Wizard milestones earlier, helping the card not lack damage in the mid and late stages of the game. If you are still low on health due to a losing streak from the beginning of the game, the best stage to reach level 7 will usually be 3.5 and roll to look for the superstar Lulu here, look for the necessary cards and eco money back then slow roll at level 7. hey until Lulu 3 stars. Going up to 7 at 3.5 can also be used if you want to preserve your long winning streak and then eco money back. But I'm pretty sure you should just roll lightly here, keep your profit somewhere around 30 - 40 coins because you have quite a lot of health due to a long winning streak so there's no need to spend too much money here. Usually around stage 4.1 will be the stage where we slowroll if we lack 1 or 2 to 2 children, we can hyperroll to get lulu 3 early, get lobby blood and eco money back until about 4.5 up 8 to complete the squad. After completing Lulu's items, we put all the remaining AP items into Ahri. This fox girl basically only needs 1 mana item and then any AP item can be added, but if she has Blue Charm + Nashor Fang the squad will become even stronger. Lulu 3 comes with a full 2-star form, which is completely qualified for us to reach level 9-10.

_ At the end of the game: At level 9 10, we will add the main 5-cost and 2-star generals and the 3 most suitable generals to clip here include: Illaoi Sona and Ziggs. Illaoi will help attack fighters with Gragas and also have 2 more tentacles, all of the above helps our team become stronger and stronger and also very strong to counter Karthus Akali when Arrange 2 tentacles at 2 corners. With Sona, it helps me increase the mage mark and with my 3 forms, it will make up for anything lacking in our squad, including damage, attack speed or shield forms as well as recovery. As for Ziggs, with the 2 Hyperpop mark, it will help the back row carries execute moves faster and with wide area moves as well as reduced resistance, this is an extremely perfect piece for this match.


  • Item upgrades: Buried Treasure I Fully Equipped Pandora's Box is a good choice in the current meta
  • Upgrades that help increase the strength of the squad are always prioritized: Gem Stone III Healing Bridge I Search for Fusion Talent and especially with this squad we have a pretty good core Increase Tempo: When using Skills The second time each fight, the Warlock will immediately use the Skill again with 50% effectiveness. Besides, it also gives us two more generals Seraphine and Gragas
  • Core rolls such as: Winning Tickets Silver Tickets Superhero Goods Bags Sweet Fruits Diamond Tickets Shoppers will help us gild the team faster
  • Upgrades that achieve a high top rate include: Collision Mannequin has more tanks as well as cc, Field Support I II III helps our squad have more tanks as well as special effects.
  • Cores that increase health or help us have more time to dash like the super tech cores Enhance Super Tech I or Sublimate Little Friends Epitaph of Inspiration are good choices for long-term fighting.