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Mordekaise Demacia

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


Mordekaiser - The armored devil has returned to season 9.5 with an extremely powerful skill set of a heavy 4-money carry. In this match, that devil carries the Demacia seal with the 7 Demacia 4 butcher form that is sweeping the current meta. With Demacia champions always receiving unique light equipment for each champion, Mordekaiser, when holding the Demacia seal, was given Baron's Gift. Super large amount of armor and magic resistance from Demacia; With the amount of damage and lifesteal from the Butcher plus light nashor fangs, this Mordekaiser Demacia squad is sweeping every server and reaching the current s-level meta. So let's find out how to deploy this squad.


_Strong from early game to late game thanks to the large amount of armor as well as the light equipment that Demacia brings

_There are many ways to rotate the cards in case there is no Demacia or no Mordekaiser

_Don't have to worry about items because the light items are always fixed for each general

_Comprehensive control of attack and defense


_It's quite unlucky because not every match has the Demacia seal

_Because the general carries a lot of 4 money and 5 money, it requires good eco and health retention

_Because it is an S-level meta, it is easy to compete for cards

How to play

The working principle of this formation is very easy to understand: we will find a way to draw the Demacia seal from the book, choose the seal or core of the Demacia Seal, then debuff the blood with the Demacia Butcher form and then play 7 Demacia and 4 Butchers in the late game. If we don't have seals, we can play 7 Demacians using Fiora carry or just play 3 Demacians instead and add more Butchers.

Early game: The essential requirement of this squad is that you must bring the legendary orn with you and then use the book to choose the seal to get the Demacia seal. However, the book does not always produce the Demacia seal, so we can Get the butcher's mark for Fiora, the lineup is still the same or still play 7 Demacia Quinn carry; Besides, we can get cores that give us the Seal of Demacia or the core of Wholehearted Devotion. Pay special attention to the Anti-Magic Chains core which is one of the best choices. The basic form includes Kayle Poppy Galio Quinn and then we will add any champion that fits the current squad and put it on Demacia. There are many options such as: Illaoi Cassiopeia Qiyana...In addition to the carry item for Mordekaiser, which is the Mercury Cloak, we get additional items for other carries, which are Quinn (Infinite Blue Bow, Death Sword...) Fiora ( Powerful Blood Sword Giant Sterak Claw... )Jarvan IV (Beast Stone Statue Oath to Protect the Pendant of Atonement...)So when going to the market, prioritize picking up the optimal sword for Quinn first because this girl is almost our main amount of damage from the beginning of the game to the end of the game thanks to the Light Sword of Death from the Demacia clan. Most of us will play a winning streak, so upgrading to 4 in 2.1 and then upgrading to 5 after the first shopping round is necessary.

In the middle of the game: at this time we will level up 6 at 3.2 and add other Demacian units to fully activate 5 Demacians. If the form is good, add Qiyana Rek'Sai then we will have a form of 5 Demacians and 4 Butchers. We will sell the tank items to Poppy later and exchange them for Jarvan IV. We can absolutely upgrade to 3.5 or 4.1, but we all have the same goal: having Mordekaiser with 7 Demacians and 4 Butchers, if possible, we can roll Quinn 2 like that, then in the middle of this game, your squad will be extremely strong. extremely strong.

At the end of the game: We should save money then slow roll the carry champions Mordekaiser Fiora Jarvan IV to stars and maybe slow roll Quinn to 3 stars before going to the next levels. At level 8, 9, we look for Aatrox to replace the position of the 4th Butcher general, then add other multi-purpose 5-cost generals such as: Ryze Gangplank Heimerdinger. Pay attention to the card arrangement because Mordekaiser is a general. The short-armed carry should be placed in the 2nd row to ensure he doesn't die from shock early, placed near Aatrox so that when this champion dies, Mordekaiser will receive extra health as well as full health drain. If we have 2 Demacia seals, at level 9 we will have a team that is almost unbeatable in the world called 9 Demacia and sublimating Kayle's last level, we can completely get more items for this girl.


The legend we take away is only Urf and getting the core of Secret Archive I. The rest is up to your luck.


These portals are suitable for this lesson plan:

- Finn's Market: Every match, Bilgewater Finn's Shop will randomly appear twice and provide Complete, Artifact, Support and Light items. You will get to choose one for free!

-Slum Town: Starting from round 2, the Lucky Shop will appear randomly once per round. This store will contain champions suitable for your squad.

- Killing Harbor Bridge: Get a number of free shop refreshes equal to the current number of rounds + 1 at the start of each round! They will only be valid during the round in which you receive them.

- Holy Light Shield House: Receive 1 Demacia Crown in round 2-1. If a champion wearing this item dies, you immediately lose the fight.

- Ehrenmount: Receive 3 component equipment packages at the start of the match

- Home: In rounds 4-5, receive a consumable Masterpiece Upgrade to upgrade an installed item to a Light item.

- Ornn's Forge: Randomly in rounds 2-5 or 3-5, receive 1 Artifact Equipment Pack.

- Treasure Book of Heavenly Fate: Receive 1 Book of Knowledge in rounds 3-5. Use it on a champion to open an armory containing all seals matching that champion's clan.

- Willow Forest: A spot on the queue will turn into a forest. Champions standing here will contribute their clans/attributes (except unique clans/attributes) as if they were in battle.

- Dream Lake: At the start of each round, receive 1 champion that matches your squad.

- Shurima Market: Each champion in the market round will carry 2 equipment components instead of 1.

- Mobile Desert: At the beginning of each round, the champions in the 3 rightmost boxes of the queue will be converted into random champions with the same price.

- Targon Upper World: When Health drops to 40, receive blessings from the Targon gods.