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Poppy - Mini Exodia

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


Poppy is known as a super tanky general in the current 4-currency lineup, a superstar general who holds super delicious tank items or items for short-armed carry generals. With the skill set gain 100 Armor and Magic Resist for 6 seconds. Hammer the nearest enemy 3 times; each deal deals 156/234/709 physical damage and restores 60/108/194 Health. If this ability kills an enemy, add 1 more hit. Not only does Poppy have the passive ability to receive Attack Power based on bonus Health and the superstar effect of +200 health and  +15% attack power. This is truly one of the strong semi-half-tank, half-damage-receiving generals of this set of 10. This is like a mini version of Yorick as this 5-gold general is also a super tanky semi general with both great damage and extremely huge tank. Besides, Poppy brings herself 2 clans, with Super Quai, there is nothing to say as this clan helps our Poppy have more attack speed and lifesteal, and with Emo, this is really what helps Poppy have Can last long in combat. Emo champion's Skills cost less Mana to cast and they gain more Mana each time an allied champion is killed. This helps us see a Poppy continuously slash the enemy until the fight ends. But there really isn't any real match for this general and most people use this general in fast 9 cards when they need a good def champion through level 8 or to hold tank items. for some other better tank generals. Actually, we can still use this general to carry, but we need a few other generals to help with damage. So let's find out how we will use this general!


_ Super buffalo, super strong and extremely annoying is what we can simply describe about this general

_ Can use many types of items and 2 basic forms we will use: 1 is a tank item and 2 is an item for short-sleeved carry

_ Thanks to his ability to attract and attract, it is very suitable to use the following damage champions that need a lot of time to clear the table like Ahri Jhin Akali Ezreal,.....

_ Right now the Guardian Ahri card is quite hot, so if we can roll Ahri early, we can make other houses no longer have Ahri to use.


_ It's also a double-sided sword when we are competing for Ahri by other houses

_ Countered by single-target damage champions like Jhin or Ahri

_ Needs quite a lot of money to roll in stage 4 and the team has a lot of 4 5 gold so you have to eco well from the beginning of the game

How to play :

_ Currently there are many ways to deploy this squad because this is a quite flexible squad as we can carry with both AP and AD damage and can use one of the two pairs Ahri Akali or Jhin Ezreal so we have The squad can be deployed in many directions. If you play in the Heartsteel direction, you need to have Heartsteel early as well as have many card rotation skills because playing in this direction at the 4-dot stage will have quite a bit of health left. Therefore, the most optimal way is to def with the basic Annie form

This is the basic form of AP songs, so how can it flex through Jhin or Ezreal? One special thing here is that we can use 2-item combos for all the following generals we aim for: Nashor's Fang and Blue Talisman. This combo gives attack speed as well as damage over time, so it is suitable for most carries that are deployed after 4 or 5 coins currently. If we play in the AP direction, the last item can be the Hextech Gun Sword or Bao Thach Gloves. Carry with ad damage, then we can install Infinity Sword or Death Sword as our final item. So the formula for installing super flex items includes: Blue Amulet + Nashor's Fang + 1 Ad/Ap item. That way, we don't need to worry about focusing too much on a specific post. Not only that, hard fans give us 1 item and it's usually an AP/ad item, so we will have a champion with good early game defense and 3 item. We will install the remaining items in a full tank like that, it will be easier to play later when we can flex through many different cards. Tank items are sometimes also made from a few pieces of craft items such as the Steadfast Heart which is composed of a piece of glove or the Crown of Protection which is composed of a piece of staff so we can just install the full tank after we have it. Blue Amulet + Nashor Fang. An important part is the item for Poppy. If you really want to use this champion as a carry, I think the most perfect item is Colossal Power + Blood Sword + Sterak's Claw. Sterak's Claw is not exactly a standard item, but we usually go up from 3 hard fans and tend to keep the hard fan def to 9 so it will be quite good to only need to install 2 items for Poppy and tank items for Ekko or Neeko. Later it will be held by Illaoi or Yorick. The key point of this article is that we will play a winning streak, so consider level 5 in 2.3, level 6 in 3.2, level 7 in 3.5 or 4.1, and most importantly, level 8 in 4.2. We can absolutely move up to 4.1 to roll earlier than our opponents, but we should only do that when we have a lot of money and this method is also a bit risky because we have quite a bit of time to rotate the formation, but with 4.5 going to 8, then It's a bit late because usually at this stage only the rerolls at 6 and 7 are up here because they have used a large amount of money in the previous stage and they just need to add more the 4 or 5 generals have money to supplement the strength of their squad, but their squad is already strong due to the main carry generals reaching the 3-star mark. Up here, there are almost no more champions. Therefore, 4.2 is the most perfect stage for 4-money cards because we have chosen all 3 cores and have a certain direction for our cards as well as more time in this stage than other such rounds. plenty of time for us to stabilize the form in 1 turn. The number of generals here is also quite large and enough for us to be able to complete the entire formation and capture the opponent's generals. When the form is stable, we eco again to advance to other levels, maybe we will switch to carry or simply switch to fighting Exodia because this is almost a mini Exodia squad that helps us maintain health better than stage 4 5 points. If we have a shovel, we can consider playing 6 Emo like that, then we will have a super tank Amumu that can tank all types of damage instead of Poppy along with a heavy carry general of this Emo family, Vex with wide area damage and control. Extremely annoying, Poppy is now free to supplement your team. Milestone 6, so the value it brings is also extremely great when giving 20 magical power a 30% reduction in mana and receiving 25 mana, so any general holding the Emo seal and Emo generals will also turn into demons (Blue Charm + seal Emo for Ahri but ran out of dipping sauce :)) ) . It's not really a carry card for Poppy because she still needs extra damage champions to reach her full potential, so hopefully riot will buff this champion a few more stats so that Poppy can really play the role of 1. main carry


  • Item upgrades: Buried Treasure I Pandora's Box Crown Protector Wand is also a good choice
  • Upgrades that help increase the team's strength are always a priority: Gemstone Mosaic III Recovery Bridge I Emotion Interference Search for Talent
  • Upgrades that achieve a high top rate include: Collision Mannequin has more tanks as well as cc, Field Support I II III helps our squad have more tanks as well as special effects.
  • Cores that increase health or help us have more time to dash like the super tech cores Enhance Super Tech I or Sublimate Little Friends Epitaph of Inspiration are good choices for long-term fighting.
  • For matches that require many generals with 4 or 5 money like that, upgrades for money or experience are very necessary: Tycoon Promotion Experience Patience Study Clear Mess