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Bruiser Riven reroll

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


- It can be seen that most of the 2-cost champions this season can carry, such as Gnar, Kindred the satyr, Shen, Yorick and Neeko, which require a carry core. Lux has emerged with a scary twin core. Senna used to be a mercenary with a ghost, Teemo is strong and stable, and Aatrox plays a big part in the ghost reroll set. Only Riven is no different from a champion with 3 clans, so Riot realized it was necessary to pay attention to this girl and so version 14.9 buffed her skill damage from: 150 /150/155% => 190/190/200%, giving her enough damage output to carry the team. Having found out why Riven is so hot in this meta, now let's find more teammates for her and go out to fight.

- The main source of damage is already there, as for defense, Riven must rely on her fighter friends to buy time, and at the same time add more health to give her enough strength to attack in combat. So your squad will have 6 fighters: Kobuko, Aatrox, Riven, Tahmkench, Sylas, Galio combined with 2 celestial generals Soraka, Rakan to add armor and magic resistance. The last slot needed is a long-armed champion to support Riven's back damage. You can roll Soraka 3 if she contributes or cannot reach 9. Otherwise, using Irelia would be the most reasonable because this champion is next to her. To activate the historian, it is not necessary to activate the duel system to be strong, you just need to have enough tank cover for her to control the AD item. If it's an AP item, use Hwei because she has a move that can be used in crowds, both causing large area damage and healing allies.


Advantages: easy to play, comprehensive attack and defense, less competition for cards.


Disadvantage: countering fighters is not difficult, it is killing giants. Close combat champions will be easily controlled. Ashe clamping Annie will be a counter card somewhat when there are two sources of control coming from Nautilus and Lissandra.

How to Play

- Early game

+ Although not everyone plays Riven carry, it simply has 3 easy flex systems, so it is often used to deft at the beginning of the game, and even used later if someone intends to play 7 historians. or Kaisa the fighter. Therefore, you should only look to this article after seeing how many houses will force Riven or the red dog Riven to contribute a lot in the early game.

+ The best card frame to keep blood early in the game will be those with Riven along with the historian to easily deploy their cards. So right now you will use the following cheap generals: Garen, reksai, Riven, Zyra and Gnar. 5 generals can attack up to 4 systems: historian, fighter, guard and satyr, balanced attack and defense, burning effect comes from Zyra. All of these things will create conditions for you to hit winstreak, or at least limit the amount of blood lost.

+ At this time, choosing a dragon for Kayle should be green because blue and red do not have much effect on Riven. The support buff will reduce the target's armor, helping Riven penetrate enemy tanks faster while Irelia is not present.

- Mid game

By 3.2, you will be level 6. At this point, you have the advantage over the upgraders in being able to consolidate your squad form to slowroll, so let's proceed with releasing a little gold to put the formation into the mold, pushing up the healers' blood. other. Your card frame at 6 will have: Sivir (or Garen is fine) with kobuko, Reksai Aatrox, Zyra, Riven. 4 fighters will help our squad have enough tanks and damage will have to rely on Riven's equipment. This will be analyzed in more detail in the equipment section. Once you have the frame, your job is to save the gold and then roll to get Riven 3.

- Late game

Deadline for you to get Riven 3 is at 4.2. Because after this stage, if you haven't reached 3 stars yet, you will have a hard time breathing when the houses have reached 8. Start rotating the formation to retain blood. At level 7, you add Diana to get the sage. If you get Rakan at level 8, use the noble and dragon king's halberd. If not, send Diana to the chicken coop and reinforce the squad with 6 gladiators. Your card to level 9 is mainly to earn more Irelia or Hwei to complete, almost the end of the game.


- To fight gladiators, we certainly cannot ignore the core reserved for them, which is to eat well. Helps these tough champions become more invulnerable if the enemy does not have items that reduce healing.

- The most suitable fighting core is to fight to the death. This core has just been buffed in version 14.9 as an indirect part of strengthening Riven or Sylas because your champions with over 1500 maximum Health will receive 1% more Attack Power and Magic Power. Their maximum health. But Riven 6 fighters lack blood so the damage is super big when paired with this core

- That powerful diamond core is explosive because the use of this core causes 75% more damage in 2 seconds with each skill use. But Riven has little mana and is a melee champion, so she takes damage and cooldowns continuously. Besides, Sylas will also make good use of this core to add damage to Riven.

- Except for the 3 strongest fighting cores above, there are also common fighting cores that can be used such as: sublimation, extraordinary power, inspirational epitaph, poison pharmacist, recovery bridge, unified struggle, Inlaid with jewels Regarding the seal, you should use the gladiator seal to fight 8 gladiators or the noble seal. Therefore, the badge cores or crowns of these two systems should also be considered if you do not have good fighting cores.