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Use Builder

Spellweaver Annie

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


This squad will use Annie as the main carry, and in the following rounds, Ahri will participate to assist with damage. Amumu and her guardians will be a great resistance system so Annie can freely deal damage.


- The advantage of this deck is that it is easy to play and win prizes when Annie is too confident in the mid-game, and at the end of the game, there is Ahri to carry the team.

- You will almost certainly get to 3-star Annie because the number of 1-money generals is up to 20


- The disadvantage of this chess set is probably that without Superstar Annie, it cannot be played due to the mechanism for giving items to hard fans.

- Akali K/DA may sneak down and assassinate you if you don't pay attention

How to Play

- Surely, you will turn to this article when you have the Annie superstar wizard in the store, or at least you can get a lot of annie and amumu.

- Because it is a 1-money reroll card, hyperroll will be given priority. In the early stages of the game, you will only play around, try not to use money to level up but keep yourself at low levels, to both keep the money and keep the chance of getting a 1-money champion. In this early stage, you can use champions with high single-target damage to def health, such as kennen or nami.

- You will def health to 3.1, at this point you will both be rich and take advantage of the high 1-money champion spawn rate of level 4 that hyperrolls right in this round. One thing to note is that you should save about 20-30 VND to still have capital to deploy later. If Annie is not yet 3 at this time, you can accumulate 50 coins and continue slowrolling. During the Annie roll phase, if there are a lot of Kennen and Lillia, you can capture them and raise them to 3 stars if possible.

- Once you have annie 3, you can repeat the winning streak extremely easily. The format at this time will be the duo Emo Annie and Amumu accompanied by 3 hard-core fans: Kennen, Lillia and Neeko. This will be the mid-game strength threshold of this squad because Annie now has both 3-star strength, an additional shojin from die-hard fans, and time to unleash her skills thanks to a quality 2-star tank. quantity

- The next stage is quite simple, you will level up slowly and slowroll at level 7 to earn Amumu 3 stars and almost finish the lesson. From now on, arranging cards will be the top priority because besides that, all you have to do is level up and insert the magician/protector to meet the milestone and you'll be fine.


- First, we cannot help but mention the characteristic upgrade of these Emo generals, which is Emotion Interference. With the effect "Allies of Emo generals receive 60% of Emo's Energy increase effect when any ally dies", your squad seems to be constantly releasing spells.

We can also mention the combat cores, such as Grasp the Opponent to deal more damage, especially to opponents of the same clan or Bridge of Recovery II so that carries can recover more, for example.

Because this is a reroll squad, the core rolls are also quite a priority, such as Diamond Ticket or Fly Like a Bird.

Equipment cores are also bright spots for you to choose from, especially with a squad that needs a lot of items like this, such as Buried Treasure II or Steadfast Investment, for example.