Hero Hex Core
Priority Hex Core
Alternative Hex Core
Carry Champion
- When using Sylas to maintain health, flexibly in situations or in the Kaisa fighter set, we can also see that - in addition to the tank role, Sylas's damage is also extremely terrible, just giving it a tank item is already playing a role. Playing a supporting role in the team, sometimes even turning the horse's face downward and whipping down the long-range main force. So what happens when the chained person is given resources to become the main force? Sage will be the optimal solution to help Sylas replenish his recovery, luring Morgana safely behind to deal damage. Besides, another strong point in this article in version 14.9 is that Morgana has just had her skills fixed - she will launch more moves into the crowd.
The squad will have 4 fighters, giving Sylas 40% of his maximum health. 4 extra sages give Sylas recovery and the generals in the back 2 rows 45 AP, 3 historians can summon Kayle to support, you should choose to add AP with strength charms to increase Morgana's damage, 2 ghosts help Morgana deal a lot of damage. Because the cursed champion has now received damage from the ghost champion, the 2 dragon kings grant attack speed to the whole team after 8 seconds.
- Easy to play, easy to deft, less contested, not picky about items, does not require a 5 gold champion at level 8
- You get what you pay for, reaching the top is easy, but if you want to compete in the top 1, you must have a nice core and full system activation at level 9 or 10. When encountering exoida cards or lots of control, Sylas is very easy to beat.
There are many ways to deploy, if you choose a champion for 2 seconds, you can activate the system and then attack around that champion at the beginning of the game. Here are some basic forms that you can easily turn your cards to Sylas sage
+ Historian: The reason historian is easy to turn to easy is because your future squad also has 3 historians, Riven, Zyra and Galio, so rotating the cards will be extremely convenient, besides the 5 historian and Kayle rolls. Acceleration has just been buffed so you will have an easier time breathing in the middle of the battle. Here's the early game form for you guys: Garen, Riven, Zyra, Aatrox and illaoi or Garen, Riven, Zyra, Reksai and Gnar
+ Heavenly Palace combined with darkness: will be the second defense direction for you, because there is darkness, so if Sylas appears early, you can replace it and slowly rotate to full form. Besides, Darius is also a champion. Very good health at the beginning of the game, holding items for Sylas, and the heavenly bow is mainly used to stimulate the system and buff Darius' stats. We will use the following generals to defend: Darius, Khazix. Qiyana, Malphite, Yorick.
+ One more direction that kids really like is the god of wealth, it's simple because Kobuko is already a fighter, so just pay attention to check the house, put the fighter in to lose as little as possible and when you come back it won't be a problem. Too much manipulation. - If there are cores like perfect adaptation, extraordinary power, and a protective crown in 2. then pick them right away. It not only helps deft players stay healthy but is also delicious for Sylas.
In the middle of the game, why should you spend gold to roll on 6 or 7 if there is no chance that will affect you? Try to economize your money well to spend at level 8. The champion pool allows those who can use the system to use it, otherwise, if there are 4v champions, just put them in because they benefit from the 4 gold buff from the previous version, so in the middle of the game 4 gold will be the father. .
Level up to 8 at 4.1 or 4.2 depending on health and economy and then burn gold; If you roll out a champion, your team will be almost complete without the participation of a 5v champion, so you don't need too many red dogs to play this card, not to mention that Sylas has very few players if he doesn't play Kaisa. Team 8 will include: Riven, Aatrox, Zyra, Diana, Soraka, Sylas, Galio, Morgana. According to Dishsoap top server NA chess player, if you have both Rakan and Ngo K, then removing 1 slot from Aatrox for these two 5v generals to go together is necessary because now combined with Soraka, you will have 3 quarters. Nhan and Thien Cung, much better than the 4 gladiators. If you only have a 1-star Hwei, you can replace Morgana because his healing ability is very beneficial for Sylas, as well as his auto attack on the crowd, which has an advantage over the unlucky Morgana.
+ Talking about fighting, there is a lot of fighting, the core has just been buffed at 14.9; Okela's little friends because the squad has 3 2v generals; wand plus ap; Having blood but lacking armor and magic resistance, there is a consensus to fight; Battle-hardened warlock or late-inspired epitaph. Add healing with potions potions, pray for recovery
+: Diamond core should choose: Boom; Small but mighty; sublime; inlaid with gemstones; free hidden objects.