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True damage flex

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


True Damage is an extremely powerful true damage-dealing clan of TFT season 10, but has a downside: many of the chess pieces are short-handed, so they don't have many opportunities to shine. But now at the beginning of the game, players will have to spend less blood on summoned beasts. Eco white to pick up shovels and install true damage seals has become a very familiar strategy and this seal can be reserved for generals. as different as Ezreal, Caitlyn or Ahri. To give you a specific perspective, tftplus will use Ahri as an example


- The advantage of this match is that the card form is easy to have at the beginning of the game, the deft is very strong so you can safely eco. The later the game gets, the stronger it becomes if you have Qiyana to hack things.

- True Damage possesses extremely strong true damage, can easily overcome most tanks this season.


The only drawback of this card is that because it is too strong, it is easy to duplicate cards, and this season there are few champions, so you don't have enough economy or roll black to cook.

How to Play

- So when should you play this formation? That's when you get superstar Kennen early, add Senna and appropriate equipment such as sticks and accompanying tears.

The card form at this time will have: Kennen, Senna, Lillia, Neeko and Ekko, 3 hard fans, 2 true damage, the superstar falling into hard fans or true damage will be the best defense.

Because superstar Kennen is quite flawed when it comes to possessing both damage, resistance and control, this will be the most reasonable start for this squad.https://static.tftplus.com/tft-media/2024/01 /small/Capture-1704343678.PNG

- If you don't have a deft form, you can always go with a white eco to be economical, as well as easily pick up a golden shovel and press True Damage.

- From 3.1 onwards, at this time there will be some houses that catch 2, or even 3 gold superstars, so the initial form will be a bit weaker. You will need to roll 6 a little to update the new card form, including: Ekko, Lillia, Kennen, Neeko, Senna and the last slot will depend on Kennen, if you are a super star, stick with gnar to get the light item. , if you are a true damage superstar or guardian, then clip it onto a K/DA piece so the whole team can increase their strength evenly, the best one is seraphine because she has healing and damage.https://static.tftplus.com/ tft-media/2024/01/small/Capture-1704343953.PNG

- Coming to the final stage of the match, we gradually complete the squad with the form outlined above. You won't have to worry about lack of damage because there are many sources of damage such as Akali, Zed, Qiyana, Sona to buff attack speed. If you don't have it yet, you can temporarily use Lulu and then upgrade to 9 swords later.

- As stated above, Lucian is a top priority to add at level 9. In addition, if there is no true damage superstar, Qiyana sword is also important, don't look down on single-target skills, with Just 1-2 physical items are still enough for her to instantly make many targets disappear.


With a squad that favors True Damage, the first upgrade you should choose as soon as you see it is: Flashiness, increasing health and attack speed according to the number of equipment the true damage champion holds. With this core, you will see Senna drying like an electric machine even without the need for a sword in her body, at the same time she is much more resilient and not afraid of being defeated early.

This match is not too heavy on rerolls because it only requires Senna, so you can aim for strong combat cores throughout the match such as: Pathogen, Know Your Opponent, Baron's Gift Epitaph of Inspiration, Remember to Drink Water Super Tech core source and combo.