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Emotional Damage

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


Vex and Amumu are currently two chess pieces with superstar effects reaching tier S in the 3-cost generals with the ability to cast many moves from the Emo clan along with a huge amount of damage and large cc, this is one of the squads. Reroll is quite strong at the moment. Vex Casts a dark shadow on the current target, Stunning enemies within 1 cell for 1.5 seconds. The shadow then deals 255/380/610 magic damage to enemies within a 1 cell range - this is a good carry card from early to late game. Meanwhile, Amumu deals 148/238/393 magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every third cast will hit an enemy within 2 cells and Stun them for 1.5 seconds, along with the passive when attacked, gaining 4 Armor (stacks up to 25 times), this is currently one of the cards The strongest tank set 10 is not inferior to other 4 5 money tank generals. So let's find out how to deploy this squad


_ Are two versatile generals that can flex tank items as well as damage items

_ The squad is strong from the beginning of the game to the end of the game

_ You can add other 5-money generals as long as you have 4 Emos


_Because it's a reroll team, it's easy to compete for cards. If you can't get 3 stars, it's difficult to get to the top

_Counted by Kathus Akali formation

_ Need a lot of items as well as money to complete the squad form, need to eco well at the beginning of the game

How to play

_Early game: Superstar Annie is a very strong general at the beginning of the game to hold items for magic carry later, so priority will be given to using Annie to hold items for Vex def through the early game. In addition, you can use Hard Fan generals to defend basic early game health because Hard Fan is too flawed in this meta. Amumu's tank items can be placed on Lillia or Kennen. Some good items are prioritized to install early in the game such as Lightning Crossbow Steadfast Heart Shojin Spear Blood Armor Warmog Gem Gloves. In round 2, we can choose between two ways to play: win streak or lose streak depending on the amount of items and superstar champions we have. Nami and Annie are two reasonable champions for us to start with this chess set. With Annie, we can use the Wizard form with Emo or with Hard Fan

As for Nami, we use the Excellent form that comes with Disco

When going to the market, we should prioritize picking up pieces that cause tears or blood. Up 4 at 2.1 up 5 at 2.5 to increase the odds of having early 3-money generals or having other superstars with health defense in the next stage.

_Midgame: This is a quite important stage for squads that reroll 2 and 3-money champions because around level 6 and level 7 is when the main superstar cards of the squad appear. If you lose, then 3.2 up 6 rolls for form, if you're lucky, you can immediately get a superstar Amumu or Vex; If you win, you will upgrade to 7 at 3.5 to keep the streak or 4.1 and then look for the superstar you need for the squad. For Amumu, the superstar Dharma Guardian or the superstar Emo are both equally valuable, and with the superstar effect plus 150 for each targeted enemy, just one statue will make this champion turn into a wall. become solid. With Vex's superstar, it simply adds 25 damage ability, but it helps her kill enemies faster and reach 3 stars faster. After reaching 7 rolls to earn form, we start to slow roll money back for the 2 main players to 3 stars and then move up to the following levels. In addition to clamping 4 Emo, we can clamp another system such as 4 Dharma Protectors or 4 Executioners depending on the situation.

_Late game: this is almost the stage where we have stabilized the squad and reached the final levels, adding other multi-purpose 5-cost generals such as: Illaoi to get more tanks as well as counter lux or akali, Ziggs to There is a large area magic reduction,...


Because this is a reroll, there are many options for upgrades

Core rolls such as: Winning Tickets Silver Tickets Superhero Goods Bags Sweet Fruits Diamond Tickets Shoppers will help us gild the team faster

Item upgrades: Buried Treasure I Pandora's Box Crown Protector Wand is also a good choice

Upgrades that help increase the team's strength are always a priority: Gemstone Mosaic III Recovery Bridge I Emotion Interference Search for Talent