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Ghostly Zyra

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Hero Hex Core
Carry Champion

Hero Hex Core

Priority Hex Core


Alternative Hex Core


Carry Champion


- Number of impacts to release ghosts of ghosts: 6=>5

- Haunted House Number of ghosts: 1 => 2

=> The ghostly Zyra squad was born

- Zyra has a price of 2 gold like Shen, and is also a bridge between the historians and ghosts.


- Easy to play, easy to win prizes.

- Stabilized the cards early at level 6 so they are very strong in the mid game.


It is quite difficult to roll Zyra 3 when she is used by many people to deft early game with historians, not to mention that if she has a house to play with, it will be terrible. So if you feel like you can't get on Zyra 3, you can turn to the sage Lillia song which is also very hot.

How to Play

Early game

- First are the signs that you can develop the ghostly Zyra lesson plan:

+ The monster camp or champion pool in the store offers a lot of Zyra or Shen

+ Has a large amount of AP or defensive items

+ Lobby has a tendency to play rerolls, so you can keep up with the pace of the game with them.

+ Has the seal of a ghost or a sage

- Form def at the beginning of the game. Use a 2-star general and then activate the surrounding system, so that attack and defense are harmonious. There will be many forms to keep blood at 2 dots. Whatever happens, def. However, according to the flow of events, you should use a tank that is a guard or a giant, which will be better than a fighter because in this version, those two systems are buffed. For the most ideal conditions, start with 3 historians and 2 guards because the early combat damage reduction of the guards in this version has been improved so they have good resistance. You can get 1 individual, Kayle, from there you can easily Easily crush opponents, successfully keeping health at 2 dots. Note: Choose green Kayle to buff Zyra's AP.


- Pay attention when doing economics, don't hold too many champions in the queue, if they are not Shen or Zyra.

Between game

If you do standard economics, then according to the correct process, you can get to level 6 in 3.1 or 3.2. The time to release gold to enter form will be 3.2. Cards will include: Riven, Zyra, Shen, Aatrox, illaoi and Zoe. Once you have flushed gold like above, your cards will easily win against opponents who play to level up, or if you lose, you will lose a little against dealers who play reroll. Then sit down to eat cake and drink tea, accumulate gold to roll profits to earn 3-star Zyra and Shen.

Late game

- Once you have gilded one of the two key cards, you can level up to 7 to roll the remaining 3-star card. The goal is to avoid losing too many levels compared to the lobby

- At level 7, you can add Diana to activate the sage. If you're even luckier, you'll have Morgana who is both a sage and increases your ghost to level 4.

- In case you are unlucky enough to compete for cards or get caught but cannot get to Zyra 3, you must upgrade to rotate the cards.

- If you have a ghost seal, your hand on 8 will play 6 ghosts and add a shadow as follows: Jax, Aatrox, Shen, Zyra, illaoi, Morgana, Kayn and Udyr. Ghost Seal for Udyr


- Super powerful upgrades for this lesson plan:

+ Double Health because there are 4 generals with 2 gold.

+ Haunted House, newly buffed and reserved for ghosts.

+ The Phantom Badge and the Phantom Crown are needed to increase the Phantom mark to 6. The Sage Seal is also a good choice.

+ 2 suitable fighting cores are Kham Bao Thach II and Magic Wand.

+ Besides that, you can also choose upgrades such as: Electric Shock, Learn How to Cast, Diamond Ticket to make Shen Zyra gilding easier, recommended because the rate for extra rolls has just been increased in this version. .