item imageAcademy
item imageEmissary
item imageAmbusher
item imageBlood Hunter
item imageBruiser
item imageBlack Rose
item imageQuickstriker
item imageChem-Baron
item imageExperiment
item imageFamily
item imageForm Swapper
item imageAutomata
item imageHigh Roller
item imageFirelight
item imageDominator
item imageVisionary
item imageJunker King
item imageMachine Herald
item imageArtillerist
item imageBanished Mage
item imagePit Fighter
item imageRebel
item imageScrap
item imageSniper
item imageSorcerer
item imageEnforcer
item imageSentinel
item imageConqueror
item imageWatcher
item imageAcademy
item imageSorcerer

Stats Lux

Armor: 20.00
Attack Speed: 0.70
Crit Chance: 0.25
Crit Multiplier: 1.40
Damage: 30.00
HP: 500.00
Initial Mana: 0.00
Magic Resist: 20.00
Mana: 50.00
Range: 4.00


Skill Của Lux

champion's skill

Prismatic Barrier

Mana: 0/50

Grant 160/180/240 (scaleAP) Shield to the lowest current Health ally. Lux's next attack deals 360/540/900 (scaleAP) bonus magic damage.

Origin/Class Của Lux

Academy image

Lux Academy

The Academy sponsors 3 items each game.
Copies of sponsored items grant bonus max Health and Damage Amp. Academy units holding sponsored items gain double the amount, plus an additional 5% Health and Damage Amp.

2% scaleHealth scaleDA;
gain 1 sponsored item.
3% scaleHealth scaleDA;
gain 1 sponsored item.
5% scaleHealth scaleDA;
gain 1 sponsored item.
9% scaleHealth scaleDA
Sorcerer image

Lux Sorcerer

Your team gains 10 Ability Power. Sorcerers gain more.

20 scaleAP
55 scaleAP
90 scaleAP, Abilities reduce their target's damage by 20% for 3 seconds

Best team comps with Lux

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