item imageAcademy
item imageEmissary
item imageAmbusher
item imageBruiser
item imageBlack Rose
item imageQuickstriker
item imageChem-Baron
item imageExperiment
item imageFamily
item imageForm Swapper
item imageAutomata
item imageHigh Roller
item imageFirelight
item imageDominator
item imageVisionary
item imageJunker King
item imageArtillerist
item imagePit Fighter
item imageRebel
item imageScrap
item imageSniper
item imageSorcerer
item imageEnforcer
item imageWhat Could Have Been
item imageGeniuses
item imageMenaces
item imageMartial Law
item imageReunion
item imageSisters
item imageUnlikely Duo
item imageSentinel
item imageConqueror
item imageWatcher
item imageEmissary
item imageSorcerer

Stats Nami

Armor: 25.00
Attack Speed: 0.70
Crit Chance: 0.25
Crit Multiplier: 1.40
Damage: 40.00
HP: 700.00
Initial Mana: 0.00
Magic Resist: 25.00
Mana: 60.00
Range: 4.00

Nami TFT Set 13: Best items, tips, and team comps

Skill Của Nami

champion's skill

Ocean's Ebb

Mana: 0/60

Launch a wave at target that bounces 3 times to enemies within 3 hexes and deals 120/180/290 (scaleAP) magic damage.

Origin/Class Của Nami

Emissary image

Nami Emissary

This trait is active only when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Emissaries.
Ambessa: Allies gain 2 Armor and Magic Resist for each oppone
Garen: On Combat St

Gain that Emissary's bonus
Gain all bonuses. Emissaries gain 300 scaleHealth and 20% scaleDA
Sorcerer image

Nami Sorcerer

Your team gains 10 Ability Power. Sorcerers gain more.

20 scaleAP
50 scaleAP
85 scaleAP
100 scaleAP, Abilities reduce their target's damage by 25% for 3 seconds

Best team comps with Nami

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